A new branch of the company was launched last year called “Koolkompany”. Koolkompany is now in talks with several large corporates, and we find that once again Scotland is leading the way! North Link Ferries, based in Aberdeen, have purchased our polo shirts made with Fairtrade cotton for their workforce. During Fairtrade Fortnight in March this year, Peter Hutchinson, Senior Manager for Vessel Support Services at North Link Ferries, met Andy at a Fairtrade evening in Aberdeen. Peter, along with other Fairtrade enthusiasts, met Pamela L’Intelligent, a machinist from our factory in Mauritius, who told many audiences her story of how Fairtrade had helped her to escape poverty (see our blog on the visit). See the report for a photo of Peter wearing a Koolkompany polo, together with FT Banana!